Sunday 15 December Crema, Church of the Holy Trinity: Haendel Messiah
Sunday 8 December Lodi, Church of S. Francesco: Haendel Messiah
Sunday 1 December Crema, Church-Auditorium of S. Bernardino: Haendel Messiah
Sunday 13 October Crema, Church of S. Antonio: Masterclass on the choirs of the Messiah by Handel with Ruben Jais
Saturday 28 September Crema, Church of the Holy Trinity: Mass in Gregorian and polyphony
Sunday 16 June Bressanone, Duomo: Hummel Missa III op. 111
Saturday 15 June St Peter Villnöss: Concert Hummel Missa III op. 111
Saturday 25 May Piacenza, Cathedral: Graduation party of the Catholic University of Piacenza
Saturday 18 May Abbadia Cerreto: Concert Hummel Missa III op. 111
Sunday 14 April Bagnolo Cr., Parish Church: Hummel Missa III concert op. 111
Sunday 3 March Lodi, Hospital Hall: The Cameristi del Collegium Vocale, music by Haydn and Mozart
Saturday 18 May Abbadia Cerreto: Concert Hummel Missa III op. 111
Lent 2019 Lodi, Civic Temple of the Incoronata: Gregorian and Polyphony
Every third Monday of the month Compline in Gregorian and polyphony, Crema Chiesa delle Grazie


Sunday 16 December Crema, Church of the Holy Trinity: Hummel Missa III op. 111
Saturday 8 December Lodi, Church of S. Francesco: Hummel Missa III op. 111
Sunday 25 September Capergnanica, Parish Church: Hummel Missa III op. 111
Sunday 30 September 1st open day Collegium Vocale
29 June-5 July Tour of St Catharine’s College Cambridge
Saturday 26 May Crema, Church of the Holy Trinity: performance of Missa III op. 111 by J. Hummel.
Sunday 25 March. Bagnolo Cr., Parish Church: “Salve Rex Judaeorum”, music by G.F. Haendel
Lent 2018. Lodi, Civic Temple of the Incoronata, Gregorian and Polyphony
Every third Monday of the month Compline in Gregorian and polyphony, Crema Chiesa delle Grazie


Sunday 17 December Crema, Church of the Holy Trinity: Haendel Royal Fireworks and Coronation Anthems
Sunday 10 December. Crema, Church-auditorium of S. Bernardino: Haendel Royal Fireworks and Coronation Anthem
Friday 8 December Lodi, Church of S. Francesco: Haendel Royal Fireworks and Coronation Anthems
Sunday 12 November Crema, Sala “G. Cost: Haendel Royal Fireworks Masterclass with Ruben Jais
June 28-July 2 Oriel College Oxford Tour, dir. David Maw
Saturday 10 June Crema, Church of the Holy Trinity: performance in the liturgy of the Trinitatismesse K 167 by Mozart
Saturday 22 April Crema, Church-auditorium of S. Bernardino. Welcome concert for the new bishop of Crema, Mons.Daniele Gianotti
Sunday 9 April Bagnolo Cr., Parish Church: “Mementum gloriae, mementum Passionis”
Every third Monday of the month Compline in Gregorian and polyphony, Crema Chiesa delle Grazie
Sunday 5 February Bressanone, Duomo: Trinitatismesse Mozart K 167


Sunday 18 December. Crema, Church of the Holy Trinity, “Mozart 260” (Trinitatismesse K 167, Concert for Clarinet orchestra K 622, Selection of the Requiem)
Thursday 8 December Lodi, Church of S. Francesco, “Mozart 260” (Trinitatismesse K 167, Concert for Clarinet and orchestra K 622, Selection of the Requiem)
Sunday 4 December Milan St. Mark’s Basilica, “Mozart 260” (Trinitatismesse K 167, Concert for Clarinet and Orchestra K 622, Selection of the Requiem)
Sunday 27 November Milan Church of S. Elena, “Mozart 260” (Trinitatismesse K 167, Concert for Clarinet and Orchestra K 622, Selection of the Requiem)
June 27-July 2 University of London Chamber Choir Tour, dir. Colin Durrant
Every third Monday of the month Compline in Gregorian and polyphony, Crema Chiesa delle Grazie
Sunday 20 March Bagnolo Cr, Parish Church: Concert “Crucifixus”
Sunday 13 March Crema, Church-Auditorium of S. Bernardino: Concert “Crucifixus” in collaboration with the “Manziana” Diocesan School
Lent 2016 Lodi, Civic Temple of the Incoronata, Gregorian and Polyphony


Sunday 13 December Crema, Church of the Holy Trinity: Concert in honor of Mons. Franco Manent, Bach WeihnachtsOratorium
Tuesday 8 December Lodi, Church of S. Francesco: WeihnachtsOratorium Bach
Sunday 15 November Crema, “P. da Cemmo ”: Masterclass on Bach’s Weihnachts-Oratorium with Ruben Jais
Saturday 10 October Romanengo, parish church: “Christus” Mendelssohn
9-15 June Tour of King’s College London, directed by Gareth Wilson
Saturday 16 May Crema, Chiesa delle Grazie, “Mysterium fidei, polyphony among the mysteries of faith”
Sunday 29 March Bagnolo Cr., Parish Church: “Christus” Mendelssohn
Lent 2015 Lodi, Civic Temple of the Incoronata, Gregorian and Polyphony
Tuesday 6 January Crema, Church of SS. Trinity, Concert for the Epiphany


Sunday 14 December Crema, Church-Auditorium of S. Bernardino, Concert “Jubilaeum 20/25” with the “Camerata Bardi” University Orchestra of Pavia
Tuesday 8 December Lodi, Church of S. Francesco, Concert “Jubilaeum 20/25” with the “Camerata dè Bardi” University Orchestra of Pavia
Sunday 30 November Pavia, Basilica of S. Michele Maggiore, Concert “Jubilaeum 20/25” with the “Camerata dè University Orchestra of Pavia
Sunday 5 October Orchestral seminar directed by Simone Fontanelli
June 19-24 Robinson College Cambridge Tour, directed by Tim Brown
Sunday 13 April Bagnolo Cr., Parish Church: Jubilaeum 20
Wednesday 19 March Crema, Sala della Musica: Choral seminar with Marco Berrini
Lent 2014 Lodi, Civic Temple of the Incoronata, Gregorian and Polyphony


Sunday 22 December Crema, Church of SS. Trinity, Mozart Litaniae K 243
Sunday 15 December Crema, Church of S. Bernardino-Auditorium: Mozart Litaniae K 243
Sunday 8 December Lodi, Church of S. Francesco: Mozart Litaniae K 243
July 2-8 Tour of the St. Andrews Renaissance Singers, University of St. Andrews
Sunday 16 June St. Salvator’s Chapel, University of St. Andrews (Scotland): From Alps to Highlands, Tour of the Collegium Vocale di Crema in Scotland
Saturday 15 June St. Ninian’s Cathedral, Perth (Scotland): From Alps to Highlands, Tour of the Collegium Vocal of Crema in Scotland
Sunday 2 June Milan, Church of S. Cristoforo ai Navigli: From classical to romantic, sacred music by Haydn, Mendelssohn, Schubert
Sunday 12 May Izano, Parish Church: From classical to romantic, the sacred music of Haydn, Mendelssohn, Schubert
Friday 10 May Crema Cathedral: performance for the Director of “Avvenire” Marco Tarquinio
Saturday 23 March Vespers of Palm Sunday, Basilica of S. Maria della Croce
Lent 2013 Lodi, Civic Temple of the Incoronata, Gregorian and Polyphony
Saturday 2 February. Crema, “P. da Cemmo “: presentation of the video “Crema nel mondo”


Sunday 16 December Crema, Church of S. Bernardino-Auditorium: Romantische Kirchenmusik
Saturday 8 December Lodi, Church of S. Francesco: Romantische Kirchenmusik
Saturday 20 October Milan, Santa Maria della Pace, Investiture ceremony of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher
Sunday 2 September Crema, Church of S. Bernardino, Vespers of San Bernardino
July 3-8 University of London Chamber Choir Tour
Saturday 23 June Milan, Santa Maria della Pace, Investiture ceremony of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher
Friday 8 June Mendelssohn-Lachner-Schubert Concert, Crema, Church of San Giacomo
Saturday 26 May Mendelssohn-Lachner-Schubert Concert, Vaiano Cremasco, Parish Church
Friday 13 April Artistic presentation and polyphony, Crema, Church of S. Giacomo
Saturday 31 March Vespers of Palm Sunday, Izano, Sanctuary of Pallavicina
Lent 2012 Lodi Civic Temple of the Incoronata, Gregorian and Polyphony
Saturday 21 January Milan, Church of S. Antonio Abate, Mozart Vesperae solemnes de confessore K339


Sunday 18 December Crema, Church of S. Bernardino, Mozart Vesperae solemnes de confessore. K339 (extraordinary concert organized by the Bishop for the restoration of the Cathedral)
Thursday 8 December Lodi, Church of S. Francesco, Mozart Vesperae solemnes de confessore K339
Saturday 15 October Milan, Santa Maria della Pace, Investiture ceremony of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher
Sunday 18 September Crema, Church of S. Bernardino, Mendelssohn Lauda Sion op. 73
Sunday 4 September Crema, Church of S. Bernardino, Vespers of San Bernardino
June 29-July 3 King’s College London Tour
Saturday 25 June Milan, Santa Maria della Pace, Investiture ceremony of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher
Wednesday 1 JuneMilan, Church of San Cristoforo ai Navigli, Mozart-Haydn
Thursday 17 March Celebration for the Unification of Italy with the city authorities
Lent 2011 Lodi Civic Temple of the Incoronata, Gregorian and Polyphony


Sunday 19 December Spino d’Adda Parish Church: Haydn & Haydn, between Vienna and Salzburg
Sunday 12 December Church of San Benedetto, Crema: Haydn & Haydn, between Vienna and Salzburg
Wednesday 8 December Church of San Francesco, Lodi: Haydn & Haydn, between Vienna and Salzburg
Sunday 14 November Pieve di Palazzo Pignano: M. Haydn: Missa S. Johannis Nepomuceni
Sunday 24 October Bressanone, Duomo: M. Haydn: Missa S. Johannis Nepomuceni
Saturday 16 October Milan, Santa Maria della Pace, Investiture ceremony of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher
Sunday 5 September Vespers of San Bernardino da Siena, Crema, Church of San Bernardino-Auditorium
Saturday 19 June Concert in Mirabello Ciria (Haydn)
June Somerville College Tour, Oxford
Saturday 5 June Milan, Santa Maria della Pace, Investiture ceremony of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher
Saturday 27 March Vespers of Palm Sunday, Crema, Church of San Bernardino-Auditorium
Lent 2010 Lodi, Civic Temple of the Incoronata, Gregorian and Polyphony


Saturday 19 December Capralba, Parish Church Christmas concert
Sunday 13 December Crema, Church of San Benedetto Mendelssohn Lauda Sion op. 73
Tuesday 8 December Lodi, Church of San Francesco Mendelssohn Lauda Sion op. 73
Saturday 17 October Milan, Santa Maria della Pace, Investiture ceremony of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher
Saturday 19 September Crema, Church of San Bernardino – Auditorium “Manent” The three treasures found
June Tour of the Pembroke-Brasenose College Choir, Oxford
Saturday 23 May Milan, Santa Maria della Pace, Investiture ceremony of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher
Tuesday 14 April Crema, Chiesa di San Benedetto Artistic presentation on the theme “the glory of the resurrection” and musical commentary
Saturday 4 April Crema, Church of San Bernardino Lent in the Church of San Bernardino
Lent 2009 Lodi, Civic Temple of the Gregorian Crowned and Polyphony


Sunday 21 December Crema, Church of San Benedetto Mass with the English Carols
Sunday 14 December Crema, Church of San Benedetto Mozart: Te Deum KV141-Roset: Missa in C
Monday 8 December Lodi, Church of San Francesco Mozart: Te Deum KV141-Roset: Missa in DO
Sunday 30 November Milan, Church of Santa Maria Annunziata in Chiesa Rossa, Mozart: Te Deum KV141-Roset: Missa in DO
Sunday 14 September Crema, Inauguration of the Church of San Giacomo Maggiore Mozart: Te Deum KV141-Fuhrer: Sonntagsmesse n. 4.
April-June CD recording “Dies laetitiae”
Lent 2008
Lodi, Civic Temple of the Incoronata, Gregorian and Polyphony


Sunday 16 December Crema, Church of San Benedetto Dies laetitiae, concert for the second centenary of the birth Robert Führer (1807-1861)
Saturday 8 December Lodi, Church of S. Agnese Dies laetitiae, concert for the second centenary of the birth of Robert Führer (1807-1861)
Sunday 25 November Holy Mass Milan, Basilica of San Marco, Führer Sonntagsmesse n. 4
Sunday 21 October Bressanone, Cathedral
Sunday 7 October Romanengo, Parish Church
Saturday 22 September Lodi, Cathedral
June Tour and twinning with Robinson College Choir, Cambridge
Sunday 17 June Cambridge – England, Our Lady and English Martyrs
Sunday 17 June Mass Cambridge – England, Robinson College, Academic Year End Mass
Saturday 16 June Buckden Concert – England, St. Mary’s Church
Lent 2007 Lodi, Civic Temple of the Incoronata, Gregorian and Polyphony


Sunday 17 December Holy Mass Milan, Basilica of San Marco. Mozart Missa K259
Sunday 10 December Crema, Church of San Benedetto Mors et vita duel: life and death in Mozart’s sacred work
Friday 8 December Lodi, Church of S. Agnese, Mozart Exultate Jubilate
October Tour of the Gombert Ensemble, Melbourne
Sunday 24 September Offanengo parish church, Mozart Mass KV 259
Sunday 11 June Lodi, Tempio dell’Incoronata Wintermesse R. Fuhrer
Sunday 7 May VVienna, Karlskirche Mozart Mass KV 259
Lent 2006 Lodi, Civic Temple of the Incoronata, Gregorian and Polyphony


Friday 23 December Monte Cremasco parish church, Mozart Missa K259
Sunday 18 December Crema, Church of San Benedetto, Mozart Missa K259
Sunday 11 December Holy Mass Milan, Basilica of San Marco Führer Wintermesse
Thursday 8 December Lodi, Church of S.Francesco Mozart Missa K259
Thursday 17 November Milan, Church of Santa Maria Annunziata in Chiesa Rossa, Mozart
Saturday 5 November Crema, Church of San Carlo, Robert Führer
June Tour of the Royal Holloway College Choir, London
Saturday 11 June Crema, Church of Santa Maria della Croce, Robert Führer
Wednesday 9 March Pavia, Church of S.Luca, Robert Führer
Lent 2005 Lodi, Civic Temple of the Incoronata, Gregorian
Sunday 6 February Offanengo parish church, Robert Führer


Saturday 18 December Capralba parish church, Robert Führer
Sunday 12 December Crema, San Benedeto church, Robert Führer
Wednesday 8 December Lodi, Temple of the Crowned, Robert Führer
Thursday 18 November Milan, Church of Santa Maria Annunziata in the Red Church, Robert Führer
October recording CD “Robert Führer”
Lent 2004 Lodi, Civic Temple of the Incoronata, Gregorian